How To Lose Weight? Live Live Healthy Live Happy.

How to Lose Weight?
Are You Over Weight? Easy and Save Way to Lose Weight
Try my way to spend a happy life avoid being overweight.
Life is good with a lighter weight.
"What should we eat?" Some people sk this again and again, "is there any healthy thing to eat? How to Lose Weight? How can I look smart and fit in parties, should I start losing my weight? People think it is too late, they think they are overweight." May be yes may be no. It is better to follow the way of weight loss that is long lasting because by this way you will lose weight gradually without hurting yourself – more likely it is a clever option to lose weight slowly. Although there are ways of losing weight quickly by burning calories at a very fast rate. These are some best options that have never failed.

                        Be careful with what drinks you are taking

1.     Avoid liquid calories.
Now, in the running era we have realized that our body is not compatible with liquid calories as that of solid calories. Drinking a Desert, probably won't satisfy you but eating bowl of noodles will be satisfactory. Hence it is crystal Clear that although the desert actually contains more calories than the noodles, you are still ready to have a second cup of mango shake but avoid another plate of club sandwich. This means be careful when you intake of juice, coffee drinks, soda etc. Daily intake of these beverages will result you more than 777 extra calories as a whole — still you have not overcome your hunger. (Alarmingly, alcohol is capable of suppressing the fat metabolism, as a result it becomes tougher for you to burn such calories.)

2.     Take green tea.

Researchers have observed that green tea is a gift of nature. It is pretty good to burn about 70 extra calories which means almost 7.3 pounds of fats. This is science don’t be amazed with it.
Researchers realized this is due to antioxidants known as catechins, an important component of green tea. This is a good answer of your question How to Lose Weight?

Time for Lifting Starts
3.     Buy a set of five-pound weights. 
For a single time take out some investment and get its fruit for lifetime. A simple exercise is enough. More lean muscles you have faster you get slimmer. It may be 7 days a week activity. How to start strengthening your muscles? You may go for some chin-ups, a few push-ups and a few sit-ups. Use your free weights to perform simple triceps pulls or biceps curls at your home instead going to a gym. Do these exercises three to four times per week, and you'll soon see a rapid improvement in your physique. This is perfect How to Lose Weight?
4.      Lose the salt. 
Sodium plays a vital role in water retention, as a result you look and feel bloated. Is too much salt is part of your meals? Fortunately — researchers suggest no more than 2,400 milligrams of sodium daily (or about one teaspoon), but in normal practice people are using more than twice that amount. So limit your sodium intake, it doesn't just mean ditching the saltshaker but be careful with other sources that include canned foods, soups and drinks (very few people knows regular V8 juice has 800 mg of sodium?), salty snacks such as chips and pretzels and many prepackaged foods. Was this a good answer for your question How to Lose Weight?

Burn Up
5.     Spice it up. 
Director of the division of kinesiology at Laval University in Canada Mr. Angelo Tremblay, Ph.D., found that intake of hot peppers may boost a person's basal metabolism (the total calories the body burns at rest). What’s the reason behind this? Capsaicin, it is a compound found in jalapeno and cayenne peppers, it normally increase your body's release of stress hormones such as adrenaline, which speed up your metabolism and your ability to burn calories. Not only this, but eating hot peppers may also reduce your appetite. So add some spices to your food. Is This How to Lose Weight?
6.     Go For Sleep In Schedule. 
It is true that too much sleeping will make you fatter. Those who sleep less than 4 hours have a slower metabolic rate than those who sleep for 8 hours this is proposed by researchers of University of Chicago.
 Start Moving
7.     Come out for a walk. 
Don’t spend your full time in rest state. You must go for an evening walk daily. It is not a good habit of sitting whole day. If you want to keep your body active and healthy you must keep your body in action. Do you get
How to Lose Weight?
8.     Don’t ignore meals. 
Skipping meals is not helpful in losing weight faster. In this condition your body thinks food is getting short, as a result it slow down your metabolism in order to conserve energy. Sometimes it is hard to have a meal due to busy schedule in such circumstances, stash an energy bar or a piece of fruit with you – or you may keep anything that will be useful in times of hunger.
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9.     Your 20 minutes per day for exercise. 
Add a work out time instead of sitting. It is better to go for window shopping then waiting for a coffee with your friend. Taking your pet is also a good activity, sweeping or cleaning your garden all increase the use of calories. A light (moderate) exercise is useful in burning approximately 700 calories.
Drink More & More
10.                         H20, Water, Paani. 
About 2 liters/ 64 ounce of water is requirement of a normal body. It is helpful in increasing metabolism. No matter what you say, either it is water or you say it H2O or you say it paani. Important is to drink it.

I hope it would be good for you and you have realized How to Lose Weight?